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Breathe Easy Revegetation Projects is the baby of Gerry Bain and Aussie Redden, two young South Australians passionate about protecting and restoring native Australian bushland. 

Although revegetation is at the core of what we do at Breathe Easy we also aspire to bring young people along with us and become involved in our growing community. We collaborate with a range of amazing local artists and musicians bringing the arts community and environmentalism together. Our planting days are sponsored by amazing local businesses that play a massive role in SA's music, surf, arts and youth culture which help us bring together an amazing group of people. 


We absolutely love getting people together for planting, live music and maybe even sharing a few drinks but the team here also love a bit of hard work (who woulda thunk it), embracing the challenges of private revegetation jobs to get the most for the environment and our clients. 


We have some amazing projects and adventures coming up and we would for you to join the ride. 


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Gerry Bain
Aussie Redden
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